Favorite quote:
“Those who stand for nothing, fall for anything.”
— Alexander Hamilton
Your role: The “never let ’em see you sweat, cool under pressure” guy! I’m also not above getting my hands dirty and helping out. When one of my crews needs it, I’m there for them.
Favorite movie: Field of Dreams. Basically the guy at the end gets to play catch with his father. Reminds me of playing catch with my dad and playing catch with my son
Favorite characters: I’m going with Cheech and Chong. They are definitely comedic geniuses. Their movies are just as funny today as they were back in the day.
Favorite restaurant: I would say my go to place is Fillipos Italian restaurant on Lincoln Ave, the pizza is terrific. Or Botanas 2 for a chunky beef chimichanga.
Favorite home-cooked meal: Menudo, traditional Mexican Soup. It’s a family tradition at my parents house on most Sundays. Delicious!
Place I would like to visit: I would like to visit the Mayan Pyramids in Yucatan Mexico. I will visit there soon.
What family means: Family are people you can depend on and that can depend on you. Family doesn’t have to be blood related.
KEI is a great place because: It really seems like they care about their employees. The bottom line is always important in a business but KEI takes a genuine interest in their employees.
Most meaningful accomplishment: When I won UMOS Hispanic Family of the Year. It was for the volunteer work my family did in the community. We were nominated by people in the community.
Most important lesson I have learned: Be humble… things can change quickly.
Best advice I can give: Be kind to people. Hold the door open for a stranger, say good morning to people. You never know what the next person is going through. It costs you nothing to be a decent human being. And the value is priceless!
5 people I would like to meet: Jesus Christ, Cesar Chavez, Martin Scorsese, Robin Yount, Sitting Bull
What’s your dream job: I would say test driving vehicles around the United States and giving feedback on how they handle etc while seeing America.
Favorite up north spot: Green Lake
If you had a time machine, where would you go: I would go to 1993 and speak to my 18 year old self about some life choices… but I probably wouldn’t listen anyway.
First job: I worked for my father in a warehouse position.